Question? How do I wear a Pashmina?
I know it's almost summer and everyone is probably in their tank tops and shorts, but the reason I'm asking this question is that my office has air conditioning fully blasting in my room and it can get quite chilly at times! I often need an extra sweater or something to keep myself warm. I saw some girls wearing pashmina before and it looks both functional and cute!
Please show me some ways to wear pashmina and look good at the same time. It looks complicated to get the pashmina wrapped up properly.
thanks in advance!
Thanks for your question. Below you will see some ways featured on the "How to Tie a Pashmina" website.
Don’t forget too, an alpaca pashminas is just the ticket to take on a plane when traveling for napping or casting off a chill. Pashminas are the rage in Europe and women have many for every occasion. Spring, summer, winter, fall, your pashminas will work for you! Try multi colored alpaca pashminas too! Nothing is more fun than riding in a convertible in the summer with your pashmina scarf blowing in the wind behind you! Remember ~ Have fun!
How to Wear a Pashmina Shawl
Learn how to tie a pashmina here!